30 cars in massive pile-up in Almaty city

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ALMATY. KAZINFORM - A multi-vehicle collision occurred on a by-pass highway in Almaty city tonight.

"30 cars appear to have suffered in in massive crash on the Eastern by-pass highway in Almaty. Summer is officially over," ztb_video Instagram user wrote.

Cold snap hit Almaty city tonight and black ice coated roads in the city creating dangerous conditions for both motorists and pedestrians.

В Алматы минувшей ночью на ВОАД из-за гололеда произошло ДТП с участием порядка 30 авто. Переобуваемся, господа. Лето закончилось!

Видео опубликовано 🇰🇿© ZTB.KZ 2016 (@ztb_video) Окт 25 2016 в 8:56 PDT

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