7 Kazakhstanis to vie for medals at 2024 AWF Asian Championships in Tashkent

Photo: Photo: Olympic.kz

Kazakhstan’s team is to compete at the 2024 Asian Weightlifting Championships set to take place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Kazinform News Agency cites the National Olympic Committee of the country.   

Kazakhstan will be represented by female athletes Ainur Abdikhalykova (49kg), Arai Nurlybekova (81kg), and male weightlifters Akmolda Sairamkez (67kg), Alibek Rakymberdy (73kg), Alexander Uvarov (81kg), Sergey Petrovich (96kg), and Kirill Staroverkin (96kg).

The 2024 AWF Asian Championships are to run from February 3 through 10.