8,821 staying at evacuation centers in N Kazakhstan

Photo: Photo credit: North Kazakhstan educaton department

3,898 homes were affected by floods in North Kazakhstan with 2,830 still inundated. 14,388 people were evacuated. Of which 5,567 people already returned home, while 8,821 people are staying at temporary shelters.

3,443 families received one-time flood damage payments, representative of the region’s akimat Serik Gaissin said.

He added that 390 damaged homes were inspected. 23 of them will be repaired.

As stated there, construction of new housing for flood-affected people is underway in the region. 500 new houses will be built at large.

1,473 tons of humanitarian aid was delivered to North Kazakhstan from all over the country as well as from Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.