Belarus to develop test kits to detect monkeypox by 15 June

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MINSK. KAZINFORM Domestic test kits to detect the monkeypox virus will be developed by 15 June, Belarusian Deputy Healthcare Minister, Chief Sanitary Inspector Aleksandr Tarasenko told reporters answering a question of a BelTA correspondent.

«Today, we have once again checked the schedule with the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology. We will have domestic test kits on 15 June,» Aleksandr Tarasenko said. He did not rule out that this work might be completed earlier, BelTA reports.

«I think they are unlikely to come in handy because the risk of importation [of the virus] is minimal. Yet, we are still on guard,» the chief sanitary inspector added.

On 27 May, a flower bed was laid in the Central Botanical Garden to commemorate people who died of AIDS. The flower bed was made in the form of a red ribbon - the universal symbol of awareness and support for people living with HIV.