Chinese company to build tractor assembly plant in Almaty region

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Governor of Almaty region Marat Sultangaziyev has met with Jiang Wei, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Kazakhstan, Kazinform News Agency reports.

The sides discussed the issues of expanding trade relations between Almaty region and China.

As Marat Sultangaziyev noted, the development of Kolzhat and Narynkol checkpoints will significantly contribute to the bilateral commodity turnover increase.

“The rise in exchange of goods and services between Almaty region and China has a huge potential. Trade expansion contributes to the diversification of economy and creation of new opportunities for ensuring growth and development,” Marat Sultangaziyev said adding that several projects had already been implemented in the region with the involvement of Chinese investors.

Among them are LLP Kelun-Kazpharm pharmaceutical plant,  RES generation project by LLP Energiya Semirechya, manufacture of components for drip irrigation system and processing of grain cereals for the production of livestock feed additives by LLP Zhibek Zholy. The plants for the production of fiber water-saving technologies, rail fastenings and fiber cement boards were put into operation as well.

"These projects serve as evidence of successful interaction of Kazakhstan and China in economic development issues.The interaction with Chinese investors turned out to be a key one for the region’s economic development. The projects not only contribute to the diversification of production in the region, but also enable to create new jobs and boost local economy," says Sultangaziyev.

In his words, by investing in Almaty region, the Chinese side also transfers its technologies and knowledge required by local workforce. 

He emphasized that the positive experience of cooperation with China may serve as a model and stimulus for attraction of new investments and development of other sectors of  economy. According to the governor, the region is implementing major projects together with China in various sectors. For instance, the region is set to launch construction of Gezhouba Cement Company Ltd cement plant. LLP Zhetysu Wolfram plans to develop tungsten deposits and build an ore-dressing and processing plant. LLP QazMetProduct is going to produce steel wire.

11 promising projects are under consideration now, such as construction of a transformer plant by TVEA company, production of irrigation systems and construction of a plant for the assembly of tractors and agricultural vehicles by Yulin Irrigation company.

Upon completion of the meeting, Marat Sultangaziyev emphasized investment attractiveness of Almaty region.

Since 2023, local authorities had more than 200 business meetings with the Chinese delegations.

Currently, Almaty region’s investment pool includes 189 projects worth 3.4 trillion tenge.  10 projects worth more than 268 billion tenge are implemented jointly with China.