COVID: 17,221 new cases, 487 more victims, ANSA

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ROME. KAZINFORM There have been 17,221 new cases of COVID-19 in Italy in the last 24 hours, and 487 more victims of the virus, the health ministry said Thursday.

That compares with 13,708 new cases and 627 more victims Wednesday, ANSA reports.

Some 362,162 more tests have been done, compared with 339,939 Wednesday.

The positivity rate has risen by 0.7%, from 4% to 4.7%.

Intensive care cases have fallen by 20, and hospital admissions by 465.

The case tally since the start of the epidemic is now 3,717,602, and the death toll 112,861.

The currently positive are 544,330 (3,507 fewer than Wednesday), the recovered and discharged 3,060,411 (+20,229), and those in domestic isolation 514,838 (-3,022).