COVID-19 cases on rise in Almaty

Photo: Photo credit: Kazinform

217 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Almaty since the year beginning. Of them, 34 are children and teens. Chief of the municipal sanitary and epidemiological department Kassymkhan Alpysbaiuly said it at a briefing on Feb 15, Kazinform News Agency reports.

According to him, the number of infected people surged by 1.5% within the last week, with 42 new cases recorded (against 29 in the previous 7 days)

Weekly incidence rate per 100 thousand population increased from 1.5 to 2.0, said the city’s chief sanitary doctor

The majority of the patients with COVID-19 (76 people) are aged from 20 to 29.

He stressed that vaccination remains the only effective tool of preventing coronavirus spread.