EAEU, China may sign deal to exchange customs data this year — Russian official

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MOSCOW. KAZINFORM The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and China plan to sign an agreement on exchange of information about goods and cargo transport vehicles crossing their borders, First Deputy Chief of the Russian Government Staff Sergei Prikhodko has said, TASS reports.

According to the official, EAEU and China signed a trade and economic cooperation deal last year that "lays a solid basis for efficient cooperation between EAEU and China on issues of customs control, technical regulations and the use of sanitary and phytosanitary norms."

"This year, we plan to sign an agreement on exchanging information about goods and international cargo transportation vehicles crossing the customs borders of EAEU and China. The aim of the document is to simplify customs procedures, speed up customs operations and control," he told reporters ahead of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's April 30 visit to Armenia to attend a session of the EAEU intergovernmental council

"The implementation of this agreement should pave the way for new formats of cooperation between EAEU and China, including the free trade zone," he said.

According to the Russian government official, enhanced economic cooperation between EAEU and China is in line with Russia's initiative to form the Greater Eurasian partnership, "intended to harmonize cooperation of multinational structures currently being formed in the region and to combine the potential of states members of EAEU, SCO (the Shanghai Cooperation Organization) and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)."