Exhibition of unique historical photos opens in Aktobe

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AKTOBE. KAZINFORM An exhibition dated to the 100th anniversary of honored geological prospector and local history expert Rostislav Segedin opened at the regional local history museum.

It features unique historical photographs telling the history of the city of Aktobe made by Segedin.

Rostislav Segedin explored the geology of Southern Urals and Mugalzhar and commercial minerals in Aktobe region. He wrote precious scientific works underlying the national economy research of West Kazakhstan. Segedin made a great contribution to the development of large-scale editions, such as the 21st volume of the Geology of the USSR and the 36th volume of the State of geological exploration of the USSR. He also contributed to exploring the history of the region and cultural monuments. He discovered ancient archeological monuments dating back to the XIX century and included in the archeological map of Mugalzhar district.

Besides, he contributed to the creation of the geological museum in Aktobe. Segedin also presented his collections of geological, paleontological, and archeological exponents to the regional local history museum.

It is noteworthy, Rostislav Segedin made unique historical photographs depicting the construction of the city of Aktyubinsk. The exhibition also features his books, and collections of his photographs.