Head of State Tokayev on role of CA and ASEAN in international relations

Photo: Photo: Akorda

Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev stated that there are plenty of other areas, in which Kazakhstan and Singapore could cooperate closely, including climate change, water resource management and efforts on global food security issues, while giving his lecture ‘Kazakhstan and the role of middle powers: promoting security, stability and sustainable development’ in Singapore, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Kazakhstan’s initiative to open a Climate and Green Energy Project Office for Central Asia in Almaty could play a significant role in addressing these issues. Our country is also to hold the Regional Climate Summit under the UN aegis in 2026. Water is exposed to the impact of climate change in the first place while remains one of its main causes. Over two billion people in the world have no access to quality drinking water. I express gratitude to President Tharman Shanmugaratnam for his efforts as a co-chair of the Global Commission on the Economics of Water. We look forward to his valuable contribution to the work of the One Water Summit set to take place this year at the initiative of Kazakhstan and France as part of the UN Conference, said the Kazakh President.

The Head of State also spoke about the role of Central Asia and ASEAN in international relations.

Maintaining peaceful relations with all major powers, the Central Asian countries have great opportunities. The young and energetic population, growing middle class, rich natural and agricultural resources, transit potential create a solid foundation for growth. With the region’s dynamic development grows its strategic importance. Annual consultative meetings of the leaders of the Central Asian countries, the Central Asian zone free of nuclear weapons, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea indicate the region’s capacity for independence cooperation. I invite all partners to look at our region through the prism of opportunities. From my point of view, the notion of overlapping circles of friends Singapore proposed for a more open and inclusive regional architecture within ASEAN is also relevant for Central Asia. That’s why Central Asia took the lead to establish the C5+ format cooperation. We intend to work with all interested sides to address ongoing regional tasks, said the Head of State.

Summarizing his speech, Head of State Tokayev urged to enhance partnership relations based on mutual respect and common goals and undertake common efforts to build a more peaceful and prospering future for all.

After delivering his lecture, Tokayev responded to a number of questions regarding settlement of geopolitical conflicts, ensuring international security, the role of middle powers and prospects of promotion of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Singapore.