Head of State Tokayev visits Heriot-Watt University branch in Aktobe

Photo: Photo: Akorda

 As part of the working trip to Aktobe region, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev got acquainted with the educational and research activities of the higher educational institution, where 300 students from 9 regions of the country study. 35% of them are graduates of rural schools, 42% are from social categories in need of support, Kazinform News Agency cites Akorda. 

The branch, established at the Aktobe Regional University named after Kudaibergen Zhubanov, opened as part of the Head of State’s instructions to reformat the higher education system.

Tokayev was informed that the educational programs include three English-language undergraduate programs in specialties such as electrical power engineering, petroleum engineering and energy management, and computer engineering.

The President was informed that students have the opportunity to continue their studies at Heriot-Watt University branches in Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, and Scotland. Graduates of the branch will be able to receive double diplomas from Heriot-Watt University and the Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University.

While visiting the exhibition of scientific achievements, the Head of State was presented with the developments of the University’s scientists in the natural, technical and human sciences.