Kazakh capital launches Comfortable School national project

Photo: Photo: gov.kz
ASTANA. KAZINFORM The Kazakh capital city started implementing the Comfortable School national project. 24 new comfortable schools will be built in Astana at large, Kazinform has learnt from the official website of the city akimat.

New schools will let create some 90,000 places in two shifts. 15 out of 24 comfortable schools will be situated in the fast-growing districts of Astana, Nura, and Yessil.

Astana mayor Zhenis Kassymbek and Samruk Kazyna Construction CEO Maulen Aimanbetov surveyed the progress of pre-construction works of 15 comfortable schools and the construction of several state schools. 11 out of 14 state schools will open their doors this academic year.