Kazakh President receives secretaries of Central Asian Security Councils

Photo: Photo credit: akorda.kz

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev received secretaries of the Security Councils of Central Asian countries, Kazinform News Agency learnt from the Akorda press service.

Greeting those present the Head of State noted the first meeting of the secretaries of the Security Councils of Central Asian countries is called to serve as an efficient platform for joining efforts to prevent internal and external threats and changes and elaborate necessary response measures.

Photo credit: akorda.kz

The Head of State noted the interstate political dialogue embarked on a new level. Trade and economic cooperation between the countries is expanding. For the past five years, the interregional trade grew by more than 80% to exceed 10 billion US dollars. Business ties were strengthened and the number of joint ventures grew. Large regional projects not only benefit the countries but also change the configuration of the Central Asian economies. Development of the transport and logistics potential becomes a new benchmark for the rampant development of the region. The President said cultural and humanitarian ties deepened contributing to further rapprochement of Central Asian nations.

Photo credit: akorda.kz

The President said the processes should be underpinned by a productive dialogue to ensure regional security and stability. Most of the modern challenges and threats are transboundary and require combined forces. First of all, the point at issue is a war on international extremism, terrorism, and drug and arms trafficking. The President stressed Afghanistan should be spotlighted as diverse processes are taking place there. One of the strategic tasks is to involve Afghanistan in regional ties actively. Too much depends there on the coordinated position of our countries. He noted it is essential to establish a UN Regional Sustainable Development Goals Center for Central Asia and Afghanistan.

The President mentioned today’s meeting is an important stage of the preparations for the 6th Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia scheduled to take place in Astana on August 9.

Photo credit: akorda.kz

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said Kazakhstan developed the Central Asia 2040 regional cooperation development strategy. Regional rapprochement prioritizes firstly the expansion of five-sided cooperation and the strengthening of the  Central Asian international identity. He expressed confidence that the adoption of the document at the summit in Astana will be of concept-based importance for the region.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev underlined the high level of regional cooperation in the spirit of friendship, good neighborliness and alliance, and all-round cooperation with external partners. Global players are keen to continue active cooperation in the Central Asia+ format proven by the outcomes of the meetings held last year in the format of CA-EU, CA-China, CA-USA, and CA-Germany.

The Head of State called on to stand against external forces eager to set countries against each other and disunite them. He said we reject flatly such approaches and attempts.

In conclusion, the Head of State expressed confidence that the outcomes of the meeting will contribute to strengthening the cooperation of Central Asian nations in the sphere of security. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev thanked the countries for their fraternal solidarity and aid provided to flood-affected Kazakhstan.

Photo credit: akorda.kz
Photo credit: akorda.kz
Photo credit: akorda.kz
Photo credit: akorda.kz
Photo credit: Viktor Fedyunin/Kazinform

Secretary of the Security Council of Kazakhstan Gizat Nurdauletov, secretary of the Security Council of Kyrgyzstan Marat Imankulov, Secretary of the Security Council of Tajikistan Nasrullo Makhmudzoda, Secretary of the Security Council of Uzbekistan Viktor Makhmudov, and military attaché of the embassy of Turkmenistan in Kazakhstan Annamyrat Yagmyrov attended the meeting.