Kazakh President Tokayev addresses Kazakhstani Women’s Forum

Photo: Photo: ministry of culture and information of Kazakhstan

The Kazakh capital’s administration office hosted the Forum of Women of Kazakhstan marking 25 years since the establishment of the National Commission for Women Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy under the Kazakh President, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports. 

During the event, Chairwoman of the Commission, Kazakh culture and information minister Aida Balayeva read out the congratulatory message sent by Kazakh Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

In his message, the Kazakh President noted that the Commission plays a huge role in ensuring gender equality, strengthening institution of family, protecting motherhood and childhood and serves as an effective platform integrating the efforts of authorized bodies, civil sector and business. The National Commission’s experts actively take part in development of laws and government programs, carry out important social projects and initiatives.

Over the past years, our country has abolished the list of professions prohibited for women, introduced electoral quotas, established subdivisions for protection of the rights of women. Largely thanks to the effective work of the Commission, Kazakhstan has ratified a number of international conventions and fulfils all its obligations to achieve gender equality. We’re to continue to take systemic measures to increase the role of women in the society and promote family values, creating step-be-step Just Kazakhstan – a state with equal opportunities for all, the Kazakh President addressed the Forum’s participants.

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev congratulated those present on the International Women’s Day and wished success, health and good luck.

Photo: culture and information ministry of Kazakhstan

The Forum brought together 500 participants, including members of the National Commission from all the regions of the country, parliament deputies, reps of international organizations and the civil sector as well as international partners.

During the event, Amanat party secretary, member of the National Commission Sholpan Karinova drew the attention to promotion of women in politics. She voiced proposals to join the party and the National Commission’s efforts to promote female candidates to elective leadership positions.

Photo: culture and information ministry of Kazakhstan

The Samruk-Kazyna national welfare fund also seeks to increase the number of women in management.

Women in management is one of the key factors of the company’s sustainability and attractiveness to investors. The group of companies (Samruk-Kazyna) employs over 242 thousand people, including 72 thousand women. The share of women in senior positions stands at 14%. Our goal is to bring that figure to 30% by 2030, said Gibrat Auganov, Managing Director at Samruk-Kazyna.

According to Artur Lastayev, Kazakhstani commissioner for human rights, last year Kazakhstan improved its position in the Global Gender Gap Index taking 62nd place out of 146 countries. The country managed to bridge the gender gap in education, demonstrated better economic opportunities in income equality.

Photo: culture and information ministry of Kazakhstan