Kazakh student develops AI-assisted school security app

Photo: Photo credit: Aktobe region akimat

A 10th grader, Tumar Smagul, from Aktobe region developed an AI-assisted application warning competent bodies that a student might be in danger, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Exploring opportunities of Artificial Intelligence Tumar conducted research and developed the NazarAI application to notify of impending danger at a school.

The NazarAI app processes camera frames in real time, identifies a person, models his behavior and sends an emergency alert of immediate danger. It identifies a student who enters the school building and the time he/she enters and sends a message to parents and a student’s photo.

Another function of the application is to identify potential threats. If a student raises both arms in the hour of danger AI creates a computer model of human behavior. Doing calculations of the degrees of the angle of the raised arm, the AI ​​determines if the person is in danger.