Kazakhstan and China to build copper works

Photo: Photo:Abai region akimat

The delegation of Abai region visited Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to debate the strengthening of bilateral relations between the regions, Kazinform News Agency cites the akimat’s press service. 

The delegation consisted of entrepreneurs, businessmen, and heads of regional departments. Authorities of Abai region and Tarbagatay, XUAR, focused on further cooperation and signing of agreements on joint projects including the dry port and logistics park.

“Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries Kazakhstan maintains close cooperation. This year Abai region and XUAR signed a cooperation on mutual cooperation that laid the foundation for joint meetings contributing to close cooperation,” governor Nurlan Urankhayev said.

One of the key projects is the construction of a copper works to be built by China’s NFC and Kazakhstan’s Kaz Minerals. The total cost of the project is 2 billion US dollars.

The projects set to connect the Kazakh city of Ayagoz to the Chinese city of Tacheng via the dry port and the River Irtysh are aimed at strengthening the transit potential.

The governor expressed hope that the projects would significantly raise the commodity turnover unveiling new prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation. The local executive bodies are ready to support investors.

Besides, Urdzhar district of Abai region and Shagantogay district of Tarbagatay region, XUAR, signed a memorandum of cooperation to boost industry, economy, culture, and to exchange practice and information.