Kazakhstan exports chemical products worth some KZT 263 bln

ASTANA. KAZINFORM «According to estimated data last year Kazakhstan exported chemical products worth 262.9 billion tenge,» deputy head of the Atameken Murat Amrin said.

«The chemical industry provides not only production of necessary materials for other economic sectors but also creates new opportunities for exports and investments from year after year building potential for the development and innovations. In 2022 the country’s chemical industry shows steady growth. Chemical output grew by 7.6% against 2021 to reach 908 billion tenge. It is one of the highest rates for the few last years,» Amrin told the conference devoted on the country’s chemical industry.

He noted petrochemical products take the lead with 32.9%, followed by fertilizers production of 12.4% and organic chemical substances with 11.1%.

He also focused on chemical products exports and imports. In 2022 Kazakhstan exported goods worth 262.9 billion tenge, and imported for 332.3 billion tenge.

Last year 230 billion tenge was invested into the chemical industry which is twice less than in 2021.

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