Kazakhstan to commission 800,000 studying seats by 2026

ASTANA. KAZINFORM «As part of the Conformable School national project Kazakhstan plans to commission 800,000 more studying seats by 2026 in the cities and rural settlements,» Vice Minister of Enlightenment of Kazakhstan Aibat Iliyasov told the expanded sitting of the Majilis sociocultural development committee.

For the past 10 years, the number of pupils grew by 1 million to hit 3.7 million.

Kazakhstan experiences school shortages due to birth rates, human migration, and the deterioration of school buildings. As of today, it lacks some 270,000 studying seats. At the academic yearend, there are 143 three-shift training schools, 65 schools in disrepair, 231 schools built of adobe blocks, and 177 schools working to the max in Kazakhstan.