Nearly 3 thou families to receive housing in Karaganda rgn

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KARAGANDA. KAZINFORM - Housing construction is rising in Karaganda region, Zhenis Kassymbek, the region’s Governor, said during a briefing at the Central Communications Service, Kazinform correspondent reports.

According to the governor, around 700 thousand square meters of housing are planned to be commissioned in Karaganda region by December, which is 20% than in 2020. He said that there are plans to commission a million square meters of housing a year in the next three years.

In his words, the year 2,866 families on the waiting list will be provided with low-income housing, 600 of which are with many children.

Over 160 thousand square meters of housing were commissioned in the region over the first months of 2021 rising by 12% compared to the same period of 2020.

Construction saw a 2.8% rise in the region.

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