Nearly 400 mln cu m of water collected in two Almaty reservoirs

Photo: Photo credit: screenshot from Almaty akimat video

This year Almaty reservoirs accumulated more water compared to 2023, Kazinform News Agency reports referring to the Kazakh Water and Irrigation Ministry.

Bartogai and Kurtinskoye water reservoirs collected 63% more water compared to the previous year thanks to heavy precipitations, director of Kazvodkhoz affiliate of the Konayev Bolshoi Almatinskiy Kanal Meiram Arystanov said.

As of today, 278.9 million cubic meters of water have been collected in Bartogai reservoir which is 95.9 million cubic meters or 52.4% more than in 2023. Another water reservoir reported a growth of 73.4% to stand at 109.75 million cubic meters. These two reservoirs accumulated 62.9 % more as compared to the last year.

The Kazvodkhoz affiliate signed 1,600 agreements to provide 460 million cubic meters of water. This year it plans to deliver 500 million cubic meters of water for irrigation of 50,000 hectares of agricultural lands. Besides, it repaired gauging stations at the Malybai, Baiseit, Karazhota, and other main lines.