Over 21 thou received first COVID-19 vaccine dose in Kyzylorda rgn

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KYZYLORDA. KAZINFORM – 21,057 people have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in Kyzylorda region as of April 22, 2021, Kazinform correspondent reports.

The COVID-19 vaccination drive has been underway in the region since February 1, with a total of 21,100 doses of the vaccine delivered.

In Kyzylorda city, the vaccines are administered in eight clinics and other medical facilities, while district residents receive it at hospitals.

According to the region’s health office, 1,170 people have been given the vaccine in Zhanakorgansk district of Kyzylorda region, 1,110 in Aralsk and Kazalinsk districts, 710 in Shielinsk district, 500 in Karmakshinsk, Zhalagashsk, and Syrdarinsk districts, and 350 in Baikonyr district.

It is said that the vaccination rooms in the region are outfitted with the necessary freezers.

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