PM Bektenov tasks to constantly monitor Zhaiyk River water level

Photo: Photo credit: Soltan Zhexenbekov / Kazinform

At today’s weekly meeting of the Government, Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov set a task to continue the flood relief efforts in Atyrau region, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Bektenov reminded of flooding threat persisting in the settlements of Atyrau region.

“All involved services need to continue the flood relief efforts, in particular, in Inderbor and Makhambet villages, as water level on the Zhayk river has exceeded the danger point,” he said.

The Prime Minister said the evacuation shelters must be ready for accommodation of flood victims at any time.

The Ministry of Water Resources and the akimat of Atyrau region were tasked to monitor constantly water level on the Zhaiyk River.

“Two more villages in Aktobe region remain unconnected. These villages should be timely provided with pharmaceuticals and food stuffs. There are some settlements without electricity in Aktobe region. Repair works must be accelerated,” the Prime Minister said.

Olzhas Bektenov also stressed the need to complete the restoration of residential buildings and infrastructure in a timely manner.