PM partakes in foresight session of ADB and Kazakhstan

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NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM – Kazakhstan Prime Minister Askar Mamin and President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Takehiko Nakao took part in a foresight session «Development of Kazakhstan's Long-Term Competitiveness», the press service of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan reports.

«This year marks the 25th anniversary of our close cooperation with the Asian Development Bank which has made a great contribution to the country’s economic growth», Mamin said.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the Government of Kazakhstan has set a goal to increase the competitiveness of the economy of Kazakhstan.

«It is very important to strengthen the institutional capacity of economic sectors, timely development and effective implementation of reforms. In this regard the ADB is one of the most competent institutional partners of our country. Its experience in agriculture, infrastructure, tourism and regional development is recognized worldwide and is widely reflected in government programs of many states», said A. Mamin.

The meeting was the first joint brainstorming session between Kazakhstan and ADB on strategic development and forecasting Kazakhstan's competitiveness. It was attended by members of the Government, heads of national holdings and development institutions.

The participants reviewed the foresight methodology and international experience, and also discussed and worked out roadmaps and action plans for 5 sectors including infrastructure for the development of the agro-industrial complex, tourism as a key part of economic growth, «smart city» applications for waste processing, foresight for industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan, increasing competitiveness through regional development.

Since 1994 the ADB has allocated over USD5.1 billion in loans for the implementation of government projects in Kazakhstan to develop finance, infrastructure, energy, public utilities sector and other areas. To date about 30 projects worth USD3.8 billion have been fully implemented.