SCO Summit in Astana to boost global integration - expert

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BAKU. KAZINFORM - The Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Astana will bring the organization to a higher level, believes well-known Azerbaijani political expert Tofik Abbasov, Kazinform reports.

"It is for a reason that the international community followed the Astana Summit. It was held at the time when the global community carries out uncompromising fight against terrorist network facing certain challenges along the way. In order to achieve tangible results, global leaders must consolidate their efforts and turn to new mechanisms to fight terrorism," Abbasov told Kazinform correspondent.

The expert noted that the Astana Summit paid utmost attention to the situation in Afghanistan, the Middle East and other parts of the planet where challenging tasks are solved. The SCO member states do realize the need to strengthen interaction and synchronize their efforts to fight the ISIS terror group.

Mr Abbasov reminded that the SCO has expanded its horizons by accepting two new members - India and Pakistan - at the Astana Summit.
Following the SCO top-level meeting the documents were signed that would allow to step up cooperation between its member states, including the declaration on joint fight against international terrorism. "Kazakhstan passes the baton of the SCO Chairmanship to China. Those are the two countries that contribute greatly to the stabilization of international order by increasing their trade and economic ties," he said in conclusion.