Snowfall in Akmola region causes road closing

Photo: Photo credit: Mukhtor Kholdorbekov/Kazinform

Roads of republican and regional importance in the Akmola region have been temporarily closed due to adverse weather conditions, Kazinform News Agency reports.

The rationale for this decision was the inclement weather conditions, namely snow and falling temperatures.
Travel restrictions are currently imposed in the Astakhan and Egindykol districts on the following road sections:
Yekaterinburg-Almaty km 1080-1140 (Koluton station - Novocherkasskoye village);
Yegindykol-Zholan km 0-61.3;
Novocherkasskoye-Egindykol-Zhanteke km 43-119.2;
Zhaltyr-Makinsk km 0-38;
Novocherkasskoye-Egindykol-Zhanteke km 0-43;
Novocherkasskoye-Egindykol-Kainarskoye km 0-52.