Tokayev gets familiarized with activity of int’l airport in Turkestan region

TURKESTAN. KAZINFORM – Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev paid a visit to the international airport in the city of Turkestan, Kazinform cites the official Telegram channel of the press service of the Kazakh President.

Hussein Arslan, Chairman of the Board of YDA Group, familiarized the Kazakh President on the current state of Turkestan region’s airport as well as shared plans for the period ahead.

Earlier it was reported that Tokayev arrived in Turkestan region for a working visit. The President toured the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi and met with the public. He also took part in the eco-activists’ campaign as well as discussed the prospects for the region’s development with governor Darkhan Satybaldy.
