Trainee doctors to file complaint against vice health minister for alleged abuse of power

Photo: Photo credit: Yonhap

 More than 1,300 trainee doctors were set to file a complaint against Second Vice Health Minister Park Min-soo for alleged abuse of power, one of the junior doctors said Monday, as their mass walkout has disrupted public health services for nearly eight weeks, Yonhap reports.

A total of 1,325 trainee doctors will ask the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials to investigate Park, accusing him of abusing power and interfering with the exercise of their rights, the junior doctor said.

The health ministry has ordered trainee doctors, who left their worksites on Feb. 20 after submitting resignations en masse in protest of the government's plan to hike the number of medical students.

Hospitals have not accepted their resignations.

"By obstructing (hospitals) from processing the resignation letters of junior doctors, the government not only prevented them from taking other jobs but also from receiving wages, thereby infringing upon their rights as workers," the junior doctor told Yonhap News Agency.

The complaint will be filed later in the day, according to the junior doctor.