Turkistan bursts into bloom with beautiful tulips

Photo: 35 tulips species can be found in Kazkahstan. Photo credit: Maksat Shagyrbayev/ Kazinform

A wheat field near Temirlan village in the heart of the Ordabasy district in the Turkistan Region has transformed into a stunning tulip landscape, reports Kazinform News Agency. 

A 100-hectare area owned by a local resident is a place where Greigii tulips began to bloom. People who saw wildflowers blooming on the side of the road stopped and took pictures.

Greigii tulips are native to Kazakhstan. Photo credit: Maksat Shagyrbayev/ Kazinform

Some come specifically from the city to see the wonderful flowers. In the next few weeks, tulips will bloom on the Shubaikyzyl hill of Tulkibas district, further enhancing the region's scenic beauty.

“In general, tulip fields in the region are increasing every year. I think this is due to the protection of wildflowers at the state level and the rising ecological knowledge of the people. Law enforcement officers and foresters are working in this direction around the clock. Tulip pickers listed in the Red Book will face a fine of a 3,000 monthly calculation index (roughly $24,678), or 800 hours of community service, or 3 years in prison. In addition, wild tulips will soon grow," said Gani Nazarbek, a scientific worker at the Syrdarya-Turkistan State Regional Natural Park.

Photo credit: Maksat Shagyrbayev/ Kazinform

Tulips are very popular in Kazakhstan and have a special significance in the country’s cultural and natural history. The steppes of Kazakhstan are home to many native species of wild tulips. These flowers are adapted to the harsh local climate, with some species blooming beautifully immediately after the snow melts.

Photo credit: Maksat Shagyrbayev/ Kazinform

Greigii tulips (Tulipa greigii) are native to the Turkistan area. Due to their distinctive and striking appearance, they are highly appreciated both in their natural habitat and in cultivation worldwide. Greigii tulips can display a wide range of vivid colors, from bright reds and yellows to deep purples and even multi-colored patterns.

Photo credit: Maksat Shagyrbayev/ Kazinform

Overall, there are more than 3,000 tulip species globally. 35 can be found in Kazakhstan and 18 of them are listed in the Red Book, including Greigii tulips.