Up to 10 documents to be signed at SCO Summit in Bishkek

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BISHKEK. KAZINFORM About 10 documents will be signed at the summit of the Council of Heads of Government of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which is held on November 3 in Bishkek, Deputy Director of integration associations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, national coordinator of SCO from Kyrgyzstan Gulkayir Balbaeva said at a press conference in Kabar Agency.

The following documents will be signed, she said:
- Decision of the Council of Heads of Government of the SCO member states;
- On the report of the SCO Secretariat on the implementation of the Programme of Multilateral Trade and Economic Cooperation of the SCO member states;
- On financial report about utilization of the SCO budget for 2015;
- On SCO budget for 2017;
- On the Report of the Commission of External Auditors of the SCO Member States to conduct an external audit of financial and economic activity of the SCO permanent bodies;
- On the list of activities for further development of the project activities within the SCO framework for 2017-2021;
- On the Concept of scientific and technical partnership of the SCO;
- On Action Plan for the implementation of the Agreement between the governments of SCO member states on scientific and technical cooperation for the period from 2016 to 2020;
- Joint Communiqué.