Visit Almaty, UNWTO to study tourist behavior

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ALMATY. KAZINFORM Visit Almaty tourist information center in partnership with the Silk Road Program of the World Tourism Organization is conducting a study of tourists' behavior.

As the result of the study, specialists are planning to draw a profile of a typical tourist visiting Almaty, establish the city's key tourist features as well as the potential for attracting more tourists. What they also want to find out is the degree of tourists' satisfaction and how Almaty can take advantage of the strong Silk Road brand.

The World Tourism Organization will carry out a complete review of the typical tourist and develop a framework for strengthening the system of analysis and development of tourism in the city. It will also assess the opportunities for creating new jobs and increasing revenue in the tourism sector in Almaty. It is expected that the study will allow the city administration to plan and implement marketing strategies more efficiently, create a positive image of the city as a tourism and recreation friendly city.


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