What historic sites Kazakhstan seeks to add to UNESCO World Heritage List

Photo: Photo: Viktor Fedynin/Kazinform

Kazakh culture and information minister Aida Balayeva spoke of the historic and cultural sites Kazakhstan seeks to include in the UNESCO World Heritage List and the work carried out in this direction, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

The work is ongoing on inclusion of the historic and cultural sites of Kazakhstan in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The corresponding documents were developed on the historic sites such as Otrar, Syganak, Kultobe-Yassy, Zhankent, Sauran, and Zhety asar, said Balayeva.

According to the minster, the process is quite arduous, as the physical condition of the artifact is among one of the main requirements of UNESCO.

It also requires help from local bodies, especially regarding the improvement of the areas of museum-reserves and historic and cultural sites, road repairs and construction, internet systems, and so on, she said.

Balayeva pointed out the such initiatives from her colleagues from regions are of economic benefit for local population.