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nkutty Botantaiuly, Zhaksy Zhankutty (1810-1873) was a bi, orator. He was born in Shetsk municipality of Karaganda region.

He was taught Muslim reading and writing by the local mullah. He finished madrasah in Karkaraly town. He took part in many public and administrative events.

Shabanbai Bi was his main teacher. He also could receive blessing from Shabanbai Bi.

He was in close relations with Kunanbai, Alshynbai and Kusbek tore. In his turn Zhankutty predicted his future life to young Abay which later became great Kazakhstan thinker and poet. Zhankutty, made hajj to Makah two times - in 1850-1873.

His wing expressions became widely known among people as well as his aphorisms and edifications where a peculiar attention was paid to growing generation.

The information about Zhankutty Bi was given by K. Zhumagaliyev "XVIII-XIX Gasyrlardagy Kazakh Adebieti" (1967), B. Adambayev "Halyk Danalygy" (1984), "El Auzynan" (1990). One of the streets in Shetsk municipality of Karaganda region and a gymnasium-school received his name.

Source: Kazakhstan, National Encyclopedia, Volume 2.

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