1,500 musicians to perform Kurmangazy's compositions in Uralsk
According to Sairan Duysentegi, Deputy Head of the Regional Department of Culture, 1,500 dombra players will perform "Balbyrauyn" and "Adai", kuis (instrumental compositions) by Kurmangazy, during the festival "Naghyz Qazaq - Dombyra" at the Square of the First President of Kazakhstan on September 19 at 6.00 p.m.
The second event will be the national contest of dombra players "Uly Dala Murasy". The instrumental contest will be held September 18 at the House of Culture of Youth.
Besides, on September 19, there will be a panel conference dedicated to Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly's legacy at the Kazakh Drama Theater.
All this will be organized to promote Kurmangazy's rich musical legacy, the studies of the composer's life and work, among the people, especially youth.