10th of December in history: Historically important day

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM – The 10th of December is quite a remarkable day in Kazakhstan’s history as a lot of historically important decision were made on that day, Kazinform reports.

On December 10, 1991, Nursultan Nazarbayev was sworn in as the elected First President of the country. On the same day the Kazakh SSR was renamed to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the month of December Kazakhstan marks two important state holidays – the Day of the First President on the 1st of December and the Independence Day on the 16th and 17th of December.

Since Independence, the state borders of the country were clearly marked. The Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan has been created – a unique model of peace and harmony in society.

Moreover, Kazakhstan abandoned the world’s fourth most powerful nuclear arsenal.

During the 30-year period of Independence, the domestic poverty rate has been reduced 10 times – from 46.7 to 4.6%.

$400 billion in direct investments has been attracted. This is more than 70% of the total inflow of the countries of Central Asia.

In addition, 170 million square meters of housing were commissioned. 30,000 km of roads were built and reconstructed. 1,400 new healthcare facilities were opened. More than 1,800 new schools and 900 kindergartens were built.

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