12:50, 05 February 2019 | GMT +5
119bn tenge invested in Kazakhstan’s healthcare sector
ASTANA. KAZINFORM 119bn tenge has been invested in Kazakhstan's healthcare sectorб Vice Minister of Healthcare Alexey Tsoy revealed at the government's meeting on Tuesday.

“As of January 1, 2019, investments in healthcare have comprised 119bn tenge – 69.4bn tenge from budget and 49.5bn tenge from extra-budgetary resources,” he clarified.
“The share of private investments fell by 5.6% (from 47.3% to 41.6%) which shows that we need to intensify the work on attraction of private investments,” added Tsoy.
The Vice Minister reported to the Cabinet on implementation of the healthcare infrastructure development project under the 2016-2019 Densaulyk State Programme.