20:18, 06 May 2009 | GMT +5
12 Karaganda students win presidential scholarship
KARAGANDA. May 6. KAZINFORM /Valentina Yelizarova/ Twelve students of the Karaganda State technical University will study abroad in 2009 under the Bolashak Presidential program.

As the University?s press service informs, nine students will study on Bachelor program in Canada, the USA, Singapore and Malaysia. Three students will study for Master?s degree at the universities of the USA and Great Britain.
The press service of the Karaganda University pointed out the enormous help of the exhibition ?International education-2008? held recently in Karaganda. The event was organized under the auspices of the Association of the Bolashak scholarship holders and the Capital Education Foreign Education Agency. The event was visited by over 100 students and master program students of the university.