16 things you didn't know about iOS 7, Apple's new operating system

While not as lengthy as last year, the line at the George St store was still 500 strong and was already rolling around the corner at opening time.
The line began forming around midday yesterday as Apple fans camped with hoodies, rugs and paper bags of McDonald's for sustenance.
News.com.au spoke to Jimmy Gunawan, the first person in line, who said he queued to test his stamina.
He told news.com.au he was buying the iPhone 5s because it was better than the 5C.
His favourite feature?
"The AirDrop ... because it lets you share images and video easily across my devices".
His decision to buy the 5S instead of the 5C was shared by many others in the line. News.com.au was met with jeers from the crowd when we asked them whether they wanted to purchase the 5C.
"The iPhone 5C is just the 5 wrapped in plastic," said Bob, an IT contractor who skipped work to be here and lines up each year. "I'm meant to be in a meeting."
Bob said he was buying the iPhone 5S for its "new technology".
"I've got the 5 at the moment and I've always wanted to upgrade," he said. "I'm upgrading for the finger print scanner and the new (A6 chip).
Two IT consultants, Aaron and Kieran, also said they planned to get the iPhone 5S. Their favourite feature was the fingerprint scanner.
Kieren told news.com.au that buying the 5C was a "waste of time" but said he was impressed that app developers had already updated their programs in preparation for Apple's new operating system, iOS 7.
Fellow IT worker Paul Payne queued since early in the morning and said he liked the multi-tasking features and speed of iOS 7.
"It's fast, it's easy, my five-year-old can use it so that's great," he said.And then there's Bruce, who may just be the best dad in the world.
Bruce queued up at the Apple store from 6am so that he could buy a 5S for his 16-year-old daughter for her birthday.
"She's going overseas next week and instead of a camera she's going to be taking the iPhone 5S with her," he told news.com.au.
The phone was meant to be a surprise but unfortunately she found out about it, Bruce said. Never mind, we still think you're tops Bruce.
Kieran Egan is an avid Apple fan who was so keen he set up a developer account just so that he could get the new operating system iOS7 three months earlier than the rest of us.
Not that he has actually created any apps yet.
His favourite feature: the multitasking.
"It's better because it lets you see which apps are actually running instead of just the wiggly apps down the bottom of the screen," he said.The iOS 7 upgrade caused excitement and some angst among users.
This morning tech sites reported that Jose Rodriguez, 36, from Spain's Canary Islands, had found a way to break though the operating system's passcode feature.
With a simple set of swipes he was able to bypass the lockscreen to gain access to the phone's control centre and to email, Twitter, and photos.
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Source: www.news.au.com