2.4 thousand km of water-supply network reconstructed in 2012 within Ak-Bulak - 2020 Program

"In 2012, the reconstruction of 2.4 thousand km of water-supply and sanitary drainage network was conducted. In whole, the length of water-supply network makes 53 thousand km in Kazakhstan including 29.9 thousand in the cities and towns of the country and 23.1 thousand km in villages. Taking into account the state of the networks, it is necessary to repair 31.8 thousand km of water-supply system," G. Urazbayev said.
He noted that as a result of the last year the access to the centralized water-supply system in urban areas made 84% and 43% in rural areas, access to the sanitary drainage system made 75% in urban areas and 9% in rural areas.
According to the Agency for Construction, Housing and Utilities of Kazakhstan, the level of the centralized water supply in urban areas is 82%. It is planned to raise it to 100% by 2020. The main measures which are planned to be taken in urban areas within the framework of the program are aimed at increasing the quality of drinking water by means of reconstruction and modernization of the existing systems of water supply and water disposal.
In its turn, there are presently 6943 localities in rural area and 2999 of them have the access to the centralized water supply, it is about 43%.
The access to the centralized water-supply system in rural areas has to be at the level of 80% which is 5554 villages of the country having access to the network.