2,400km of highways reconstructed and repaired under Nurly Zhol programme

In his words, 7,000km of roads will be built and reconstructed and 10,000km of roads will be repaired in total under the programme. 1.1trln tenge have been allocated and utilized for these purposes since the launch of the programme. 284.8bln of this sum was allocated from the national budget, 472.8bln tenge - from the National Fund and 336.5bln tenge was provided by the international financial institutions.
2,400km of major highways were reconstructed and 7,500km of roads were repaired in total, the Minister said.
According to him, Western Europe-Western China transit corridor, Astana-Temirtau, Almaty-Kapshagay, Kokshetau-Petropavlovsk highways were fully completed. "The biggest in Central Asia bridge was built across the Irtysh River in Pavlodar region. As many as 100,000 people were provided with jobs and local content comprises 95% now," Zhenis Kassymbek pointed out.