11:15, 17 May 2012 | GMT +6
2 fire cases brought under control in Almaty
ALMATY. May 17. KAZINFORM On May 15 a hostel went on fire in Taugul -1 district in Almaty.
The fire covered area of 10 square meters. 40 people were evacuated out of the building. A 13 year-old child and a 1-year old baby got poisoned by the products of combustion. A 50-year-old woman jumped out of the balcony on the third floor before the arrival of rescuers and broke her shoulder and a hip, a 45 year-old man burnt his hand. All injured were hospitalized. 13 firemen and 5 units of the fire service equipment worked at the scene.
Another fire case occured in Bostandyk disctict. A roof deck of the 4-storeyed house was on fire. 50 people were evacuated. The fire covered area of 270 square meters. 19 firefighters and 7 units of the fire service equipment went to the place of accident .