2020 biggest yet diamond named after deposit’s discoverer

«The first big diamond, mined in 2020, was named »Georgy Georgiev« - after a discoverer of the Lomonosov deposit,» the press service said. «Georgiev’s input in discovering and organization of diamond mining in the Arkhangelsk Region cannot be overestimated.»The diamond was mined on January 5 at the Grib mining plant of the AGD Diamonds Company. Its weight is 86.46 carats. Another big diamond, recovered on December 17, 2019, which is of 199.43 carats, is named after Georgy Sedov, an outstanding polar explorer. According to the press service, «in compliance with the regulations, the diamonds will be sent to Russia’s Gokhran (the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones).»
In 2019, AGD Diamonds produced 4.84 million carats of diamonds. In the past year, the Arkhangelsk Region’s budget received from the company in taxes 3.142 billion rubles ($51 million) and in 2018 - 3.076 billion rubles ($50 million).
In 2019, the company mined Europe’s biggest diamond of 222.09 carats. It was named after Vladimir Grib, a geologist, who was among discoverers of the Lomonosov diamond field.
Two diamond fields are located in the Arkhangelsk Region: one is named after Mikhail Lomonosov and the other - after Vladimir Grib. The Grib deposit is among the biggest fields in the world; its reserves are the fourth biggest in Russia and seventh biggest in the world.