15:03, 01 April 2009 | GMT +5
30-km ring road to be built in Astana ? Akim Tasmagambetov
ASTANA. April 1. KAZINFORM. /Gulnara Zhandagulova/ A 30-km ring road will be built in Astana. Akim Imangali Tasmagambetov has announced about it at the visiting session on the issues of construction of road junctions.
?The transport strategy of Astana provides with the construction of a ring road more than 30 kilometers long. The road should have 13 traffic interchanges. 2 out of them have already been built. The ring road will allow to reduce load on city mains?, the Mayor noted.
In whole, the Astana authorities plan to repair and build 150 km of roads, two bridges and two overhead roads in 2009. About KZT 21 billion is budgeted for this purpose.