32 export oriented enterprises to receive state support - Baiterek holding

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Within the program titled "Competitive leaders- national champions" to support export oriented companies, 32 companies were selected, chairman of the board of the NMH "Baiterek" Kuandyk Bishimbayev has said at a meeting of the Management Committee.

"32 companies were selected from 300 applications, 20 of which from the agro industrial sector, 7 - machine building, 5 - production of construction materials," Bishimbayev said.

According to the head of the board, the selection of companies was made by the International Consulting Company «McKinsey&Company». The preference was given to the enterprises of "average business" category, with the average growth potential, turnover from 2 to 30 billion tenge per annum. In this regard, export experience and competiveness of company was taken into account. According to Bishimbayev, 32 selected companies produce production worth 340 billion tenge, 45 billion of which are exported from Kazakhstan, and employ 23 thousand people.

"Now we have evaluated all initiatives. 32 companies declared projects in the amount of 120 billion tenge in the coming 3 years. So 1 project will be 3-4 billion tenge," he said.

In the framework of the program "Competitive leaders- national champions", labor productiveness of the companies will increase by 10% per annum, export potential will be increased by 30%. The participants of the project will receive financial support, on particular, interbanking lending, interest rate subsidies, export insurance, innovation grants.

The purpose of the program is to create competitive, export oriented and non-resource production in Kazakhstan, Kazinform refers to the website of the Prime Minister.

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