3,744, including 1,455 children, evacuated due to flooding in West Kazakhstan

Flooding in W Kazakhstan
Photo credit: Photo made by locals in West Kazakhstan

3,744 people, including 1,455 children, were evacuated due to flooding in West Kazakhstan. Besides, 900 heads of cattle, 1,800 heads of small cattle, and 30 horses were rescued, Kazinform News Agency quotes head of the region’s emergencies department Ruslan Kassybayev as saying.

640,000 cubic meters of water were pumped away, and over 104,000 sandbags were placed in appropriate locations to reduce flood water damage.

Floods hit W Kazakhstan
Photo credit: Photo made by locals in West Kazakhstan

Over 1,000 and over 300 pieces of equipment are deployed in flood protection works.

384 houses in nine villages in four districts were flooded. Authorities urge the population to stay calm and be ready for evacuation since flood risks remain in effect. Mets forecast warmer air temperatures will persist over the coming days in the region.

Floods hit W Kazakhstan
Photo credit: Photo made by locals in West Kazakhstan

Governor of Podstepnoye rural district Meirbek Sultanov said some 50 homes were flooded by the arriving meltwater on the night of March 31. As of now at least 100 houses, a culture centre, and a school with Kazakh language of instruction have been flooded.

Over 12,000 people live in the village of Podstepnoye. Some people left for Uralsk to relatives, the rest are housed in the building of a college and a regional school.

As earlier reported, water levels in the River Yelek exceeded danger levels.

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