12:59, 30 March 2009 | GMT +5
4,870 orphans adopted in Kazakhstan, 2008
ASTANA. March 30. KAZINFORM /Muratbek Makulbekov/ In today's government hour in Majilis Minister of Education and Science Zhanseit Tuimebayev informed of the work against social orphanage.
?We have activated public awareness efforts through mass media to place orphaned children in Kazakhstani families. There are 14 social video clips and special programs on national TV channels. Special columns have been created in the local newspapers such as ?Family for Every Child?, ?Seeking for Mother!?, ?The World Needs Me and I Need a Family?, and others. The Doors Open Days are regularly held at the orphan asylums?, - the Minister said.
In addition, the schools for foster parents were opened in six regions to prepare those who wish to adopt orphaned children into their families. As a result, 4, 870 orphaned children received custody - 1, 860 children more than in 2006. Parents were found for 2, 773 children, which is 82 children more than 2006. The number of Kazakhstanis who wish to adopt children has increased by 33% and amounts to 1, 127 people.
?Now 1, 478 kids less are being raised at asylums. About 18, 000 children were under custody of orphan asylums. In 2008 this number has decreased to 16, 000?,said the Minister.