5 ways Facebook changed us, for better and worse

Whether it was an inspired vision, deft execution, a bit of dumb luck or a combination of all three, Mark Zuckerberg's social juggernaut has ingrained itself into the daily lives of digital-age users in a way that forebears like MySpace and contemporaries like Twitter could only imagine.
Which is not to say it's all "likes" and "shares" and happy kid pics. As with any new (or newly discovered) technology, the impact of the end product is largely in the hands of the user. We are, after all, only human -- with all the joy and sadness, decency and ugliness that that entails. So here, as Facebook turns 10 on Tuesday, is a look back at five ways the social network has changed us -- for better and for worse, CNN reports. Share! Share! Share!
The good: Wedding announcements? Thing of the past. Birth announcement? Just slap an Instagram shot of that bouncing baby boy or girl on your timeline. Dating? Graduated? Bought a house? Got a puppy? Same deal. We take it for granted now, but the ability to share major events with all the people closest to you with a single click of the mouse is unprecedented. There were the Myspaces of the world before Facebook. But mom, your second cousin and Aunt Jenny weren't on them. And it's not just the good stuff, either. Changing that relationship status to "single" can save you from those awkward "How's Joey doing? You two are so cute together!" conversations. The bad: Overshare! Overshare! Overshare! Seriously. Ten years in, some folks haven't figured out what everyone on their friends list wants, or needs, to know. OK, sometimes those pictures of your dinner look delicious.Sometimes. But the detailed updates on your mundane day are mind-numbing and the play-by-play of your 3-year-old's potty training is just -- too much. We all want to know you got a wedding ring. The fact that you just polished the one you've had for 14 years? Not so much.
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