13:54, 01 October 2015 | GMT +5
57 scientific projects implemented in energy and machine building spheres of Kazakhstan
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - 57 scientific projects in the spheres of energy and machine building are implemented in Kazakhstan. The total volume of financing of the projects makes KZT 746 mln, deputy head of the committee of science of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Amandyk Tuleshov speaking at the 3rd Forum of Machine Builders of Kazakhstan.
"Presently, 57 scientific projects with the total volume of financing making KZT 746 mln for 2015 are implemented in the energy and machine building sectors of Kazakhstan within the framework of the grant financing for 2015-2017," A. Tuleshov said.
Besides, he noted that the National Scientific Council developed a special development strategy of science, energy and machine building sectors for 2016-2018.