15:58, 16 May 2016 | GMT +5
6 415 people employed in Astana since year beginning
ASTANA. KAZINFORM In Q1 2016, the employment authorities of Astana recorded the lowest unemployment level - 4.7%. According to the Employment, Labour and Social Protection Department, Astana leads in provision of its residents with jobs.
"To date, Astana shows the lowest unemployment rate in Kazakhstan - 4.7%. The measures of the municipal administration are aimed at further reduction of these data. The capital city implements a comprehensive plan on employment of local population till 2016 which helps employ dismissed workers including target groups of population. Job fairs are organized also for disabled people," a statement from the Department reads.
According to the document, 6 415 job places were created in Astana in Jan-Apr 2016. 4 900 people applied to the municipal employment centre, 2 246 of which found new jobs.