11:36, 03 June 2014 | GMT +5
6233 graduates fail to pass UNT
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - 26 134 graduates passed the Unified National Testing held on June 2, the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science informs.

The average score was 76,6 this year, as last year this figure did not exceed 75,5 points. 3797 (14.5%) school leavers scored over 100 points. However, some prohibited items were still found. 13 graduates were removed from classrooms due to violations. There have been confiscated more than 5,962 cell phones, 1,783 cribs, 121 calculators, 6 cameras, as well as 2 radios.
According to the results of the first day of the testing the maximum possible 125 points scored one graduate - Aiganym Abdizhapar, who studied at Almaty lyceum № 178.
6233 graduates (23.8%) failed to overcome the threshold level.