15:15, 25 December 2019 | GMT +5
7 killed in mudslide in NE Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO. KAZINFORM - At least seven members of the same family were killed when a mudslide buried two homes in the Brazilian city of Recife, capital of northeast Pernambuco state, the local fire department said on Tuesday.

The mudslide in the northern neighborhood of Dois Unidos occurred at dawn, while residents were sleeping.
Firefighters said they «were not able to determine the causes of the accident,» because the mudslide had not been caused by rain.
According to neighbors, two water pipes in the area had burst, unleashing torrents of water that could have led to the mudslide.
Among the victims were a two-month-old infant and a nine-year-old girl. Three others were injured.
Source: Xinhua